Sunday, June 21, 2009

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

Right from the first day that we started the adoption process, we were told that when we get done with all the paperwork, the waiting would be the hardest part. We are definitely experiencing that right now! We are currently waiting for our dossier to be sent to Ethiopia so that we can then ultimately get our referrals. So far, our dossier has been at the US Embassy in Washington, DC for almost 2 weeks. We are hoping it will be sent on to Ethiopia this week if it has not already been sent. Please pray that we will have patience and let God work out His timing. We know He already has 2 girls picked out for our family that will be a perfect match for us but we are just ready to find out who they are.

1 comment:

Wes, Dawn and Luke said...

Praying for a quick trip through DC!!

Dawn and Wes Davidson