Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Embassy Appointment

Mike had his Embassy appointment today. He said that everything went well. We were told to send far more paperwork than was necessary but that is better than not having something. He should have her VISA by noon on Thursday.

He said Rachel is very happy and playing with all the toys in the room. She is very healthy and active. She is not staying in Mike's room but is staying in a toddler bed in the foster home part of the guest house. He said they are spending a lot of quality time together and having a great time. They are scheduled to fly out on Friday night.

Shout to the LORD, all the earth; break out in praise and sing for joy!

~ Psalms 98:4

1 comment:

beverly said...

Wow! THat is great news. You must all be breathing a little easier right now. I am praying that Leah's paperwork will all be in order soon. Love Bev