Friday, January 22, 2010

Still waiting and still needing prayers!

Hello, friends! Sorry it has been so long between posts but there really has not been anything new to post. The waiting has really started to wear on us. When we were accepted into the system in Ethiopian on July 30th, we were told it would be approximately 4 months until our referral but it has now been nearly 6 months. We did hear today that our agency, IFS, had 2 other families besides us that were entered into the Ethiopian system on July 30th and 1 of those families just got their referral. We are praying that that means we are very close to getting information about our 2 little girls.

Please join us in praying that we will get our referrals soon!


Ninemire said...

Thanks for the update.. it helps those of us who are "out" there to keep up.
In good season he shall reap....
God is faithful..

Cinda said...

I feel for you as you wait! In some ways, I thought adoption was harder than pregnancy. At least when you are pregnant you know how she is doing and roughly when she will arrive. Praying you hear something very soon. I can't wait to see their sweet pictures.