Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Well, this whole process has taken us longer than we would have liked but we are confident it is all in God's timing! We still are awaiting our referrals for our girls and haven't heard anything for the past month or so.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support of our adoption adventure as we work to get Leah and Rachel from Ethiopia. It is our wish that each of you receive a special blessing this Christmas season!

God bless!

Mike, Sandy, Joshua, Benjamin and Hannah Mayfield

1 comment:

Stephanie Halburr said...

Hey Mayfields,

I am so pleased that you're still pursuing this goal with vigor! I miss you all and am sad that you're not at NHCA anymore, but am so happy that you are right in the center of His will-as a family!

We're overseas now and adjusting to all that comes with the change-also, we're expecting number five!

Miss you,

Rick Collier