Sunday, May 1, 2011

Escort Arranged!

We finally have an escort for Leah! One of our dear friends has volunteered to go over and bring Leah home. This is a great sacrifice for her because she has a lot going on in her life and we are very thankful that she is willing to do this for us. We have requested an Embassy date and hope that she will be able to get her the second or third week of May. Please pray that we will get all the arrangements made and that she will be able to find people there to help her out since our agency is not willing to help us since we won't use their escort and pay extra for it. Please also pray that we will have wisdom in dealing with Leah and helping her to adjust to being here and being a part of our family. There is a lot to do in the next few weeks to get ready but it will all be worth it!

In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

~ Colossians 2:3


Wes, Dawn and Luke said...

I would have gone to get her for you!

Mike Mayfield said...

Thank you! We appreciate your willingness to do that for us.