Sunday, October 24, 2010

Passed Court (Kind of)

We are home from Ethiopia. We were not able to get on the internet over there after court to post. We passed court for our baby without any problems. We found out during court that our older girl has a 26 year old sister who has not yet given consent for her to be adopted. We have been told that they will get her to come in next week and give her consent and then we can pass court. We do not have to travel back for this. We were told that the sister was aware of her and was not able to take care of her so she would be willing to give her up. This must be done before we can receive the MOWA ruling for her which is supposed to happen at the end of the week. Please pray that this will happen this week. The longer this takes the longer it will be before we can bring them home. We will post pictures of the baby soon after we get some rest and are able to get the pictures uploaded. Thanks for all of the prayers while we were there and traveling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking forward to the pictures!! I will be praying for you . . how exciting to be getting so close!!