Monday, August 17, 2009

Waiting on our Referrals!

We are officially in the Ethiopian system for a referral as of July 30th. We had not heard anything since our last post on July 27th but just found out for sure that we are in the system. The next step will be to be given our referrals. We do not know how long this will take as some people get referrals in a few weeks but others it is a few months. Please pray that our referrals will come quickly since we really need to travel this Fall due to Sandy's work schedule during the tax season.

Thank you for your continued prayer support and encouragement.


Wes, Dawn and Luke said...

Wooooo Whooooo!! I will pray for Gods perfect timeing!!!


Ninemire said...

How do you know which one is Leah and which one is Rachel??????
something to think about while you wait